Our Goals

Welcome and Support International Students at Appalachian

  • Airport Pickup Spring 2022Promote Appalachian internationally via social media, pamphlets, videos, word of mouth, and etc.
  • Enhance the experience of students who come to Appalachian
  • Pick the students up at the airport and help OIP with international orientation
  • Provide greater support while studying here
  • Increase awareness of ways to get involved at Appalachian
    • Provide on and off campus activities
    • Arrange trips for dorm supplies, food, etc.
    • Provide support for students to travel outside of Boone
    • Develop solid, long-term relationships with international students

Encourage Students to Study Abroad


  • Work closely with the Office of International Programs (OIP)
    • Participate in study abroad fairs and open houses with OIP
    • Establish a presence through office hours
  • Promote Appalachian as an internationally focused university through outreach
  • Construct and promote scholarships, internships, and career opportunities through close ties with study abroad alumni
  • Encourage domestic students to participate in our events 

Internationalize Appalachian’s Campus


  • Organize events such as, Global Perspectives Panel, Coffee Buzz 5K, International Meet & Greet, etc.
  • Publicize internationally focused clubs and organizations and their events
  • Encourage international students to become involved in other clubs and organizations
  • Generate liaisons between internationally focused organizations and communities at ASU